IFC publishes report on energy efficiency in ECA region

The International Finance Corporation’s Energy Efficiency Survey Program recently released the results of a study on energy efficiency practices in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. IFC conducted surveys of small and medium industrial enterprises in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine. DHInfrastructure was asked to draft a regional summary report from the survey results.Some key findings in the regional report are:

More than half of the respondents say that energy efficiency is an investment priority,

Most companies, more than two-thirds, had implemented an energy efficient measure (mostly low-cost)within the past year

Cost savings benefits of EE investments are undervalued

Only 19 (Russia) to 50% (Belarus) of respondents felt Government policy provided effective incentives for energy efficiency investments of companies who look for outside financing for investments were able to find it. The surveys were taken prior to the financial crisis, so might not reflect current lending practices.