
Cost Recovery and Financial Viability of the Power Sector in Developing Countries World Bank Group Denzel Hankinson and Nicole Rosenthal January 2020

Rethinking Power Sector Reform in the Developing World World Bank Group Original research for Chapter 8 conducted by a team including Denzel Hankinson and Nicole Rosenthal 2019

SREP INVESTMENT PLAN FOR KIRIBATI Government of the Republic of Kiribati November 2018

Investment Plan for Lesotho Government of Lesotho November 2017

Small Hydro Power Plant in the Kyrgyz Republic: Assessment of Potential and Development Challenges World Bank and IFC Katharina Gassner, Elena Merle-Beral, Olga Terenteva, Nicole Rosenthal and Denzel Hankinson June 2017

Analysis of the Kyrgyz Republic’s Energy Sector World Bank Katharina Gassner, Nicole Rosenthal and Denzel Hankinson May 2017

Belarus Heat Tariff Reform and Social Impact Mitigation World Bank Fan Zhang and Denzel Hankinson September, 2015

Keeping Warm: Urban Heating Options in the Kyrgyz Republic World Bank Ani Balabanyan, Kathrin Hofer, Joshua Finn, Denzel Hankinson March 2015

Keeping Warm: Urban Heating Options in Tajikistan The World Bank Ani Balabanya, Kathrin Hofer, Joshua Finn, Denzel Hankinson March 2015

Power Sector Policy Note for the Kyrgyz Republic Ani Balabanyan, Jessica Merrill, Denzel Hankinson and Ranjit Lamech April, 2014

Armenia – Power sector tariff study The World Bank Artur Kochnakyan, Ani Balabanyan, Pedro Antmann, Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi, Anne Olivier, Lauren Pierce, Denzel Hankinson June 2013

Republic of Georgia: Energy Sector Assessment, Strategy and Road Map Asian Development Bank Denzel Hankinson March 2013

Uzbekistan Energy/Power Sector Issues Note The World Bank Arthur Kochnakyan, Sunil Kumar Khosla, Iskander Butanov, Kathrin Hofer, Denzel Hankinson and Joshua Finn 2013

Modernization of the District Heating Systems in Ukraine: Heat Metering and Consumption-Based Billing The World Bank Yadviga Semikolenova, Lauren Pierce, Denzel Hankinson February, 2012

Charged Decisions: Difficult Choices in Armenia’s Energy Sector The World Bank Ani Balabanyan, Arthur Kochnakyan, Gevorg Sargsyan, Denzel hankinson and Lauren Pierce October, 2011

Tanzania Energy Sector Impact Evaluation: Findings from the Zanzibar Baseline Study Mathematica Policy Research, (MPR) Inc. for the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Denzel Hankinson, Lauren Pierce, Duncan Chaplin, Arif Mamun, Minki Chatterji, Shawn Powers, and Elana Safran March 18, 2011

Evaluation of Tanzania Energy Sector Project: Updated Design Report Mathematica Policy Research, (MPR) Inc. for the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Duncan Chaplin, Arif Mamun, Thomas Fraker, Kathy Buek, Minki Chatterji and Denzel Hankinson March 16, 2011

Outage: Investment Shortfalls in the Power Sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia The World Bank Ani Balabanyan, and Edon Vrenezi, Lauren Pierce and Denzel Hankinson January, 2011

SECO Development Cooperation in the Energy Sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Independent Evaluation State Secretariat for Economic Affairs-Switzerland (SECO) DHInfrastructure July 2010

Energy Efficiency in Russia: Untapped Reserves The World Bank, International Finance Corporation, and the Center for Energy Efficiency Sergei Solodovnikov, Ksenia Mokrushina, Denzel Hankinson and Lauren Pierce September, 2008

Designing and using public-private partnership units in infrastructure Denzel Hankinson, Alex Sundakov, and Apurva Sanghi Sept 2007

From Crisis to Stability in the Armenian Power Sector: Lessons Learned from Armenia’s Energy Reform Experience The World Bank Gevorg Sargsyan, Ani Balabanyan and Denzel Hankinson February, 2006