Projects of Nicole Rosenthal Staff Member

GWSP Block C Baseline Assessment

Organization: DHInfrastructure


The World Bank wanted baseline and forward-facing assessments of activities supported by the Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership (GWSP) in six countries and three regional country groupings: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Haiti, Jordan, Mozambique, Nigeria, Central Asia, Senegal and Niger River basins, and Pacific Islands.The purspose of this baseline, under the “Block C” approach, is to design results frameworks with targets for FY30 based on FY25 indicators.

Service Provided

DHInfrastructure reviewed project and program documentation and interviewed stakeholders to create comprehensive baselines for each Block C country/country grouping. We summarized water sector challenges, mapped stakeholders, created a theory of change, drafted a results framework, identified learning questions, and a created a learning template. We consolidated all findings into a baseline report and presented the results to the GWSP Council.