Projects of Christopher Parcels Staff Member

Midterm Evaluation of the Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Investment Program

Organization: DHInfrastructure


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) partnered with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to fund the Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Investment Program ("the Program"). The Program included two components funded by GCF: Component 1, which involved installation of battery energy storage systems in the Cook Islands, and Sub-Component 2.1, which involved capacity building and sector reform in each of the target countries. ADB wanted a midterm evaluation of the Program as part of its funding agreement with GCF.

Service Provided

DHInfrastructure conducted a midterm evaluation of the Program, following the GCF evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of projects and programs; coherence in climate finance delivery with other multilateral entities; gender equity; country ownership of projects and programs; innovativeness in results areas; replication and scalability; and unexpected results, both positive and negative. We reviewed Program documents, conducted interviews with Program staff and clients, assessed intervening factors (such as the COVID-19 pandemic), and developed lessons and recommendations to make the Program as successful as possible in the second half of its operations.