LeverettNet is a Fiber-To-The-Home broadband network serving the Town of Leverett, Massachusetts, operated by the Leverett Municipal Light Plant (LMLP), which contracts with private operators for the Network Operator, Internet Services Provider, and maintenance functions using a lease/affermage model. The LMLP wanted a document that would inform policymakers and the public on Leverett's approach and, in particular, offer information that would help other rural towns considering how best to bring high speed Internet to unserved or underserved populations.
Service Provided
DHInfrastructure worked with the LMLP to document the institutional, contractual, and financial arrangements behind LeverettNet. The team interviewed the LMLP and reviewed their financial statements and contracts. The end result was a detailed presentation which was circulated widely to Massachusetts state policy makers, journalists, and trade groups, and is now featured on the LMLP website.