DHInfrastructure has been working with the Municipal Light Plant of the town of Leverett, Massachusetts (LMLP) to document the institutional, contractual, and financial arrangements behind “LeverettNet” — the town’s high speed Internet and telephony service. The LMLP serves as the custodian of network assets that were financed and built by the Town. Third parties (one a municipal light plant from a neighboring town, and another, a private ISP) operate the network.
The attached slide presentation was produced to inform policymakers and the general public on Leverett’s approach, and in particular, to offer information that may help other towns considering how best to bring high speed Internet to unserved or underserved populations. DHInfrastructure will be working with the LMLP to produce additional outputs that support Leverett’s commitment to be helpful to other communities, and to speak to questions the LMLP has been responding to in recent months.
A link to the slide presentation is included below: